Posic Terms Masterlist
This is meant as a near-comprehensive list of terms commonly used within POSIC+ spaces. At the time of making this, I’ve found that definitions are spread across various lists, which aren’t always updated when new terms come into usage. For a newcomer, this can be difficult, so this list is meant to help remedy that.Note: -panion gender terms are not included, since there are a lot more than I could include, and, for various reasons, I’m not in a position to be able to gather them all.
Have a term I missed? Correction? Suggestion? Notice a typo? Please leave it in the suggestion box!
Many of these terms were coined in this carrd, by strawberrybabydog. The posic sublabels were coined by awkwardlycan and build-a-buddy, in this post. As for the rest, they weren't definitively "coined" to my knowledge, so much as they are terms the community came up with collectively. (If I'm wrong on that front, let me know!)
Posic: adj. describes someone who perceives object sentience, (“I am posic”, “a posic person”) or describes something related to the perception of object sentience (“a posic experience”, “a posic relationship”). From an acronym for Perception of Object Sentience, Individuality, and Consciousness.___Auposic: a label for posicness caused by autism.
Aniposic: a label for posicness caused by animism.
Delposic: a label for posicness caused by delusions, such as Delusional Companion Syndrome.
Hypemposic: a label for posicness caused by hyperempathy.
Multiposic: a label for posicness caused by multiple factors.
Neuroposic: a label for posicness that is neurological in origin.
Spirposic: a label for posicness that is spiritual in origin.
Synposic: a label for posicness caused by object personification synesthesia.
Psyposic: a label for posicness that is psychological in origin.
Quoiposic: a label for posicness of unknown origin.
Xposic: a label for nondisclosure as to the origin of one’s posicness.
Companion: noun. An object which a posic person perceives as sentient and has some sort of bond with.
Beholder: noun. A person who experiences object sapience or otherwise communicates with objects. Often used in conjunction with companion, (“A beholder-companion relationship”) but a beholder does not need companions to be a beholder.---Main Companion: A beholder’s primary companion, the one they are closest with.
Passive Companion: An object that is partially sentient/sentient to a lesser degree, or which a beholder has only a brief encounter with.
Mass Companion: An object perceived as sapient by a large group of people, often including non-posic individuals.
Public Companion: A companion located in a public place, such as a building or a statue.
Non-traditional Companion: Somewhat loosely defined. A companion that’s not a “traditional” companion, such as a plush. Common ways to define this: an object without a face, an object that’s not anthropomorphized by non-posic people, and/or an object that’s not soft.
-panion: A suffix for genders exclusive to companions. Many beholders report their companions experiencing gender in an unconventional way, so -panion genders are an attempt to describe those experiences. (As explained on the mainpage, this carrd does not include any specific -panion genders.)
Beloved Object: Not a posic term, but given the objectum and posic communities have so much overlap, I thought it should be included. A term used by objectum people to refer to objects they’re attracted to.
Telcom: Telepathic communication with an object. (i.e. sharing ideas with an object via thought)
Emcom: Empathetic communication with an object. (i.e. getting a sense of what an object is feeling/thinking without any concrete words)
Divcom: Communication with an object through divination. (i.e. using a pendulum to talk to an object)
Audcom: Auditory communication with an object. (i.e. hearing an object speak audibly)
Viscom: Visual communication with an object. (i.e. seeing an image from an object)
Stasis: noun. A place similar to another world or a deep sleep that some objects experience, oftentimes while in storage.
verb. The act of going into stasis.
Hoarde: noun. A group consisting of a beholder and their main companion(s). Can be any size. Is often extremely important to those within, and can be experienced as plural/plural-adjacent. (From hoard, in reference to a tendency to hoard objects that many POSIC individuals experience, and horde, a group of people/things)